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Through a series of measurements on the output torque of the driving motor, we present a planar force equation of the track, which provides a base for the dynamics and the kinematics of the robot.

Through a review of Max Weber's thought, Habermas expounds an inherent connection between modernity and disenchantmentof religion and theology and Western rationalism. 摘要哈贝马斯通过对韦伯思想的考察,阐明了现代性对宗教神学的“祛魅”和西方理性主义的内在联系。
Through a review of theories and practice of web-based language teaching in China and elsewhere in the world, and an investigation of the current college English teaching situation in Jimei university, this paper argues that web-based autonomy learning wo 摘要本文对国内外网络教学的理论和实践作了回顾,结合对我校大学英语教学现状的调查与分析,提出了通过网络环境下的外语自主学习进行大学英语教学的改革方案。
Through a review on the work The Religions of Chinaby James Legge, a well-known missionary, scholar and translator of important Confucian classics, the thesis tries to analyzes his understanding of Confucianism, that is, his unique understanding from the 摘要文章通过对19世纪英国传教士理雅各《中国之信仰》的解读和分析,试图了解他作为儒家经典的重要英文本译者,如何从基督教立场出发,对于儒家思想进行独特的理解和分析,认为中国在远古是有一神教崇拜的,而后来这种信仰丢失了;并从比较宗教学的立场将儒家与基督教相比较,反驳了儒家完全不是宗教的说法。
Through a semantic study of animal words in English and Chinese, the paper discusses three points covering lexical equivalent with semantic equivalent, lexical equivalent without semantic equivalent and semantic equivalent without lexical equivalent. 对汉语和英语中动物词汇的语义进行分析比较,发现它们之间存在着词汇对应、语义对应;词汇对应,语义小对应以及词汇不对应,但语义对应三大特点。
Through a series of experiments, studies the influence of material properties, passage dimensions and operating conditions on the cross-flow heat recovery ventilator (CFHRV). 摘要通过一系列实验,研究了热湿交换材料特性、通道长度和运行工况等因素对全热交换器热回收效率的影响。
Through a series of measurements on the output torque of the driving motor, we present a planar force equation of the track, which provides a base for the dynamics and the kinematics of the robot. 进而,通过对一系列电机的扭矩测量确立了履带的平面力学方程,为机器人的动力学和运动学奠定了基础。
Through a series of planned activities and discussion topics, participants will acquire the spoken English fluency needed for social and professional interaction. 通过专家设计的系列活动及话题讨论,学员将能够流利自如的在学术及生活方面提高英文的交流水平。
Through a study of the novel, the writer of the thesis concludes that the madness of the narrator is a reflection of the ideology and women's social status in the nineteenth century, whose madness bears double meaning due to her double identity as a woman 由于她兼具受束缚的女性和女作家的双重身份,其疯癫也具有双重意义:一方面,它反映了女性追求独立和自我空间的要求,另一方面它也体现了19世纪女作家构建自己女性文学传统的努力。
Through a study of the reasons, activities are always of cyclical. 究其原因,活动总是有周期性。
Through a study on the iconicity at the lexical and syntactical levels, we may get a clearer understanding of the important role of cognition in linguistic rules. 通过从词汇、句法的角度进行象似性研究,能够较清楚地认识认知在语言规则中所起的重要作用。
Through a survey of the environment information in the annual accounting reports of 1000 odd companies coming into markets both in Shanghai and Shenzhen Index in 2002~2003, this paper discusses the status quo and problems in the environment information re 摘要本文通过对我国沪深两市的1000余家上市公司2002、2003年度会计报告中有关环境信息的统计调查,分析了目前我国上市公司环境披露的现状存在的问题,并对提高我国上市公司的环境信息披露的质量作了简要的展望。

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