R:Never mind,how about a good halberd then? |
中文意思: 没关系,有没有上好的戟? |
R:I refuse to play into that Fighters are stupidcliche.
我绝不扮演那种老套的“愚蠢的战士”。 |
R:Isuppose with your immunity,you'll have no problem getting past all those monsters.
我猜以你的免疫能力,你可以轻松的穿过那群怪物吧。 |
R:It's not my lucky day,is it?A partisan,then.
今天不是我的幸运日,对么?那就古戟吧。 |
R:Maybe,but there's only one more goblin between you and me,so let's have it out,one on one!
也许,但是现在只剩一只地精挡在我们之间了,让我们解决它,一对一! |
R:Metal?You don't have metal??
铁?你这里没有铁?? |
R:Never mind,how about a good halberd then?
没关系,有没有上好的戟? |
R:No matter!Fetch hither the woulge.
没关系!把它拿过来。 |
R:No,no!I'd like to guess.
不,不!我想要猜一下。 |
R:Oh,not just mice.Cats,and rats,and bats,and weasels,and probably striped burrow owls,as long as they are completely useless in battle.
哦,不只是老鼠。猫、仓鼠、蝙蝠和鼬鼠,可能还会有斑纹洞穴猫头鹰,所有在战斗中没用的动物都可能有。 |
R:Oh,thank the gods that stupid ice wall is melting.
哦,感谢众神,那该死的冰墙开始融化了。 |
R:Oh?And what's the most popular polearm around here?
哦?那什么是这儿最常见的武器呢? |