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A improved cone-shaped model is given in order to improve the old cone-shaped model.

A hypothetical episode concerned with terrorists' attack during music concert in the central square of Novosibirsk, Russia was considered to evaluate possible coverage of the area by sampling equipment to detect bioaerosols at various locations within the 一项模拟恐怖份子攻击俄罗斯新西伯利亚中央广场音乐会的假想事件,被用来以采样仪器在广场内侦测各处之生物气胶,藉此评估可能覆盖的区域。
A hypothetical framework is proposed to explain these relationships on the basis of a review of the literature. 希冀藉由本文章,提供临床者照护此类案例时的参考,并刺激决策者及实务者共同思索此一议题。
A hypothetical particle postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime, zero electric charge, and zero rest mass. 引力微子一种假想粒子,被假定为引力相互作用的量子,并被推测为具有无限长寿命、零电荷和零静止质量
A hypothetical situation. 一个假设的情形
A hypothetical substance formerly thought to be a volatile constituent of all combustible substances released as flame in combustion. 燃素,热素原来假设的在所有燃烧物质中挥发性的一种物质成分,在燃烧中作为火焰而被释放出来
A improved cone-shaped model is given in order to improve the old cone-shaped model. 摘要提出了一种融入方向关系矩阵模型思想的改进型锥形模型。
A influence to system function caused by coefficients quantifying in computer control system is discussed, and a reasonable editorial method by selecting algorithm is given to reduce the influence caused by coefficients quantification. 摘要讨论了计算机控制系统中系数的量化对系统性能的影响,及如何通过合理的选择算法的编排方法来降低系数量化对系统的影响。
A integrate Chinese Medicine Painting is finished for more than four months. 6一幅完整的“中药画”作品需要四个半月时间完成。
A is an Abacus, the ancient Chinese adding machine which uses beads for counting. 是一个利用珠子进行运算的东西,叫做算盘,别看它不起眼,它可是古代中国最重要的,用来计算的工具。
A is recognized as B. A 被认作B。
A is suitable for B. A适合B。

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