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Chugging at a stately pace for thousands of kilometers across Russia by train with a 150-person entourage, Kim Jong Il looked like an eccentric aristocrat on an odyssey back in time.

Chuck learns that we need friends to share happiness and sorrow and that it is important to have someone to care about. 查克知道我们需要朋友同甘共苦,关心别人是人生要事。
Chuck realized that he was have more about his friend. 查克意识到他以前应该多关心他的朋友。
Chuck said, You make it sound like you give so much more. 强克说:“你似乎说你付出的比较多。”
Chuck went to a restaurant that serves very tasty salads. 贾克去一家有美味色拉的餐厅(用餐)。
Chuech, S.G. and Huang, Wu-Cheng, 2006, “The Effects of Injection Angle on the Shapes of Annular Liquid Films,” Proceedings of 6th Conference on Membrane Science and Technology, Chungli, Taiwan. 阙振庚、黄戊辰,2006,“环状液体膜幕之实验与数值模拟,”第十六届燃烧学术研讨会,基隆。
Chugging at a stately pace for thousands of kilometers across Russia by train with a 150-person entourage, Kim Jong Il looked like an eccentric aristocrat on an odyssey back in time. 火车迈着庄严的慢慢腾腾的步子横穿俄罗斯,金正日和他一百五十人的代表团恍如希腊神话奥德赛时代的贵族复活,开始他的访俄之旅。
Chulalongkorn may, in many ways, be seen as a pacesetter among Thailand higher educational institutions. 朱拉隆功大学在很多方面被视作泰国高等教育的先驱。
Chun Yung-woo says North Korea has shown no sig of returning to the negotiating table. 韩国特使千英宇说,北韩没有表现出任何准备返回谈判桌的迹象。
Chun Yung-woo says North Korea has shown no signs of returning to the negotiating table. 韩国特使千英宇说,北韩没有表现出任何准备返回谈判桌的迹象。
Chun is leaving Brunei today for an event in Hong Kong, but he will be back in time for the opening ceremony.The opening ceremony on Friday will include a number of activities and prizes and a special autograph and picture taking session with Wu Chun. 尊今天离开了文莱,去了香港.但他回在开幕仪式上及时回归.周五的开幕仪式会有一连串的节目的奖项.并且有机会和吴尊照相并获得亲笔签名.
Chun met with his Japanese counterpart, Kenichiro Sasae, in Seoul Thursday. 千英宇星期四在首尔与到访的日本外务省的佐佐江贤一郎举行了会谈。

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