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The little mermaid swam to the prince's palace.

The little man pitted his brains against the man twice his size. 那矮个男人以其智力对抗块头比他大一倍的男子。
The little man walked into Macy's and suddenly cameras flashed, music blared, and newsmen were everywhere. The little man was Macy's one millionth customer! 这位瘦小的男人走入梅西百货,突然闪光灯亮成一片,音乐震耳欲聋,到处是记者。这个人是梅西百货的第一百万个顾客!
The little match girl slept in the corner of the street dreaming of her granny in Heaven. 卖火柴的小女孩在街墙角睡着了,梦见天上的奶奶。
The little mermaid asked her sisters and grandmother many questions. 小美人鱼问了她的姊姊们和奶奶很多问题。
The little mermaid swam to some rocks near the beach. 小美人鱼游到海滩附近的几块岩石旁。
The little mermaid swam to the prince's palace. 小美人鱼游向王子的宫殿。
The little mermaid took the prince to shore. 小美人鱼把王子带到岸边。
The little monkeys wanted to catch the moon in the well, which, however, was found impossible. 那些小猴子想在井中捞月,但这是不可能的。
The little mouse heard the lion roaring and came. 小老鼠听到狮子的怒吼赶过来。
The little nightingale sang and sang. 小夜莺唱了又唱。
The little novice monk was thunderstruck. He didn't have any idea how to answer his Teacher, so the Teacher entered the settled state of meditation. Before long, he understood. 小沙弥听了以后非常震惊,他不知道如何回答。于是他的师父入定察看,很快就了解了事情的经过。

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