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One can not be in two places at once.

One can have truth and still rebel against it.... So, [Columbus‘s] voyages advanced God‘s long-range goals and yet were profoundly ungodly. 人们可能知道真理却仍然违背真理…所以,哥伦布的航行使神的终极计画向前迈进,但他航行过程中的行为却是非常不合乎神的教导的。
One can imagine the eventual emergence of a general purpose computer consisting of nothing more than a single macromolecule conjugated to a ribosomelike collection of enzymes which act upon it. 我们可以想像届时将会出现一种泛用电脑,这种电脑只由单一巨分子和各种可作用于巨分子的酵素集合体(类似核糖体)所制成。」
One can lie under tall pines and imagine one self in an undersea crystal palace with the surfs surging overhead. 坐乔松下如坐水晶宫中,见万顷波涛总在头上,真仙境也。
One can liken this to the fact that one begins to be continuously recast after initiation 6000 by ones soul and source. 你可以将这等同于在6000股后,你开始不间断地由你的灵魂和源头进行重铸的事实。
One can never let ones guard down on recovery and Imafraidthat I have. “在这特殊的康复时期一个人绝不能让守护他的人失望,而我恐怕让爱我的人失望了。
One can not be in two places at once. 一心不能二用。
One can not do such a thing for oneself. 这样的事情独自一人是做不了的。
One can not identify happiness with wealth. 幸福和财富不能混为一谈。
One can not improve on a Van Gogh painting by adding to it or by change the colors. 我们不能期许在梵高的画上再添加两笔或者改变色调来更进一步的提高它。
One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。
One can only gently insinuate something else into its convulsive grasp. 人们只能轻柔地给这种突如其来的情绪注入某种别的东西加以暗示。

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