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All Hands on Deck!

All English learners are welcome. 同意的举手。
All FOXY Probes are available with an optional silicone overcoat -- at no charge -- that excludes ambient light, offers additional chemical resistance and eliminates refractive index effects. 所有的FOXY探测器都可使用可选择的硅橡胶保护涂层-免费-排斥周围光线,提供额外的抗化学性和消除折射影响。
All GetSet Partner language schools are British Council accredited so we will be able to help you! 所有与节先合作的语文学校都通过了英国文化协会的认证,所以我门绝对能帮助您找到适合的语文学校。
All Hail to the Hubbub! 向喧闹致敬!
All Hallows Eve has been traditionally seen as the one night of the year when the veil (yes, the veil) that separates the worlds of the living and the dead is at its most thin and penetrable. 万圣节前夜被传统地认为是分开生与死两个世界的帷幔在一年当中最微薄的一个晚上。
All Hands on Deck! 齐心协力!
All Hertz vehicles are equipped with First Aid box, City travel and transportation map, Mineral water, Umbrella and Cell phone charger. 赫兹中国所有车辆都配备医用药箱、城市交通图、矿泉水、遮阳伞及车载手机充电器供顾客免费使用。
All Hindu ritual, ceremony and religious law is influenced by it. 所有的印度教祭礼,仪式和宗教律法都是通过它而受到影响。
All I am I owe to my mother. 我所有的一切都归功于我的母亲。
All I am, or can be, I owe to my angel mother. 我之所有,我之所能,都归功于我天使般的母亲。
All I am,or can be. I owe to my angel mother. 我的成就及能力,都归功于我慈爱的母亲。

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