Some different music may bring the cold air to life.
一些不同的音乐可能会让凝结的气氛活络起来。 |
Some difficulties arise in foreign language teaching including the insufficiency in resources, tight teaching schedule, teachers' in-service training, etc.
目前在外语教学上其所碰到的瓶颈有:资源的缺乏、预算的不足、授课时间的考量和教师再进修等问题。 |
Some directory services, like Yahoo, collect links to sites and place them in subject lists.
一些网站如雅虎提供了目录式的服务,即对所链接的网站按照主题来排列。 |
Some disappear even before we know of their existence.
有些物种,可能我们还不知道它们的存在,就已经没有了。 |
Some disasters may well be lurking—if not with these companies, then others.
灾难也许潜伏其中-如果不是这些公司,也会是其他的。 |
Some discard it lightly as if it were of little value and easily replaced.
还有人将它轻易放弃,就好像它毫无意义,可以随意代替。 |
Some diseases are present by heredity.
有些疾病是由于遗传导致的。 |
Some diseases spread by contagion.
有些疾病藉传染蔓延。 |
Some distance from them a large herd of pigs was feeding.
30离他们很远,有一大群猪吃食。 |
Some distributors sell more than diet and exercise plans, vitamin supplements or wonder creams.
有些分享者卖的东西比饮食、保健品、维生素补品或者万得奶油要更多。 |
Some ditties appear in both the original language and English; unfortunately, rhythm is sometimes sacrificed in translation.
此外,可惜的是,虽然有些短的童谣同时以原文与英文呈现,但是译文却很难译出原文的韵律。 |