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The analysis of the present situation and developing tendency of the cultivation of the reserve talents of competitive sports in Liaoning Province showed that effective measures had been taken to centralize the advantages, perfect the structure, manage at

The analysis of the distributions of simulated strain and velocity shows that the fins are multi-step local deformed. 对模拟的应变分布和速度分布分析说明,齿成形的多道次局部成形规律。
The analysis of the landscape pattern shows that the landscape fragmentation degree, the fractal degree and the diversity index increased, implying the enhancement of landscape heterogeneity. 土地利用动态转化过程以草地转化为未利用土地、湿地转化为草地和未利用地逆转为草地为主要特徵。
The analysis of the meteorological and hydrological data shows that there is close correlation between the water level of the Xijiang river and the upper reach water level and areal mean rainfall. 摘要根据气象和水文资料,以上游面雨量、水位值为预报因子,以西江流域的梧州水位为预报量,发现预报因子与预报量有很好的相关性。
The analysis of the organic contaminants before and after cleaning up by GC/MS indicated that ranges from the highest removal rate to the lowest one were benzene, PAHs, ester, aldehyde, ketone and alkane in proper order. 活性炭床进出水的色质联机分析结果表明,苯系物的去除率最高,依次为稠环芳烃类、酯、醛、酮类,烷烃类。
The analysis of the performance characteristic and the function of the quack doctors is helpful to obtain more esthetic experience. 分析庸医们的表演特点及其功能,有助于观赏者获得更多的审美体验。
The analysis of the present situation and developing tendency of the cultivation of the reserve talents of competitive sports in Liaoning Province showed that effective measures had been taken to centralize the advantages, perfect the structure, manage at 摘要采用文献资料法、专家访谈法,对辽宁省竞技体育后备人才培养现状及可持续性发展进行了分析论证。
The analysis of the running water image in ZHU Xiang's poem is helpful for us to understand both his poetical theory and practice, and his philosophy of life. 对朱湘诗作中的流水意象进行分析,既是我们把握其诗学理论和诗歌创作的重要依据,又是我们领悟其生命哲学的重要突破口。
The analysis of the testing results shows the feasibility of the testing method and the creditability of the testing results. 通过对实际测量结果进行的数据分析,表明了本文介绍的测试方法简便可行,能满足精度要求。
The analysis of the weak signal circuit, amplifying circuit of the signal and power circuit in the thermal conductivity detector has been done, and the characteristic of the circuits with the rhenium tungsten filament is designed. 针对气相色谱热导检测器的弱信号失真和电源不稳定问题,研究与设计热导检测器的弱信号测量电路、信号放大电路以及电源电路。
The analysis of typical examples shows that the selectivity magnitude of IGA can be increased from 3.17 to 422 with the aid of this method and consequently gas is detected accurately. 以检测甲烷为例,在干扰气体乙烯的体积分数变化了7600×10^(-6)时,经神经网络融合处理后,分析器的选择性系数从3.17提高到422,主传感器输出的引用误差从58%降为0.65%,实现了对甲烷的准确识别。
The analysis of ultrasonic testing result indicated that main defects in the alloy were porosities likely caused by sintering thickness. 对检测结果的分析和验证表明,其内部主要为孔隙类缺陷,产生原因可能是烧结厚度太厚所致。

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