Through a critical articultion of three theretical traditions-historical materialism, radical geography, third world colonial discourse, this paper points out that the critical practice of cultural studies is to expose the structure of cultural imaginary
以去殖民为核心的问题意识,本文尝试提出「殖民-地理-历史唯物论」的分析架构:透过接合历史唯物论、基进地理学及第三世界殖民论述三个理论传统,指出文化研究的实践在于揭露殖民认同关系里所形塑出来的文化想像,制约了被殖民主体欲望流动的方向,并提出「批判性混合」的策略性概念,透过参考作标及互动对象的多重移转,为去殖民运动寻找更具解放性地主体性建构的认同对象。 |
Through a critical examination of some original Buddhist scriptures and texts in this paper, it can be realized that such confluence finds expressions not only in the merging of Indian Buddhist culture into China, but also in the spread of Chinese native
通过对一些原始经论的考据,可以看出这种汇流不仅表现为印度的佛教文化进入中土进行融汇,也表现为中国本土文化流入印度,影响印度的佛教文化,再以佛教文化的形式回流到中国。 |
Through a detailed engineering design,introduced some methods of repairing and reconstruction firs_ class conservational building.
通过具体的工程实例,较详细地阐述了一类保护建筑维修加固改造时的一些方法. |
Through a discussion of the existing problems, the paper explores the localization of Chinese education, which includes the co-compilation of appropriate texts and the joint operation system and other measures.
针对影响华文教育发展的因素和现实问题,探索“华文教育的本土化”办学思路、海内外学者联合研发和编写适用当地的教材、构建海内外华文教育互动发展的运作体系等若干改革思路及应对策略。 |
Through a field work of the Gandong water stone roller in Rongshui county Guangxi, this article describes the discovery of the Gandong water stone roller and its basic structure, then analyses its history, making as well as its function at the Miao people
摘要通过对广西融水县杆洞乡现存水碾的实地调查,描述了笔者如何发现杆洞水碾及水碾的基本构造,最后分析了水碾的历史、制作及其在苗寨中的作用。 |
Through a lifetime together, performing!
一生一起走过,不离不弃! |
Through a mixture of pioneering animation techniques,magical reconstructions time-lapse ,aerial,widlife and landscape photography,this extraordinary evolutionary jigsaw slots seamlessly together befor your eyes.The results are simply jaw-dropping.
《欧洲探索》融合了先进动画科技重建,以及跨越时空的空中景观摄影,将这套让人惊心动魄的自然演进史节目完美的呈现在你眼前,保证你看得惊叹不已,大呼过瘾! |
Through a number of recording tours, pastoral songsof India, spell casting from SADOO , orrudindedou/ batokinwhich are string instruments of Mongolia, gamelan, ketiakand jegokuof Bali were recorded.
他们带着数字录音机,独自多次到达印度山区,蒙古大草原和巴厘岛的村庄,搜集了包括反映印度的“牧歌”(据说被印度的圣人下过咒),蒙古的马头琴之类弦乐器以及巴厘岛的家麦兰等演奏的乐曲。 |
Through a questionnaire survey among some teachers and students at a college of clinical medicine,we explored the present situation of the application of excellent course websites among them.The paper analyzes the factors that affect the utilization of th
通过对某临床医学院部分师生进行问卷调查,了解目前精品课程网在学生与教师中的应用现状,并对可能影响精品课程网应用的因素进行了初步分析,同时提出了相应的解决方案,以促使精品课程网能尽快发挥其应有的效应。 |
Through a review of Max Weber's thought, Habermas expounds an inherent connection between modernity and disenchantmentof religion and theology and Western rationalism.
摘要哈贝马斯通过对韦伯思想的考察,阐明了现代性对宗教神学的“祛魅”和西方理性主义的内在联系。 |
Through a review of theories and practice of web-based language teaching in China and elsewhere in the world, and an investigation of the current college English teaching situation in Jimei university, this paper argues that web-based autonomy learning wo
摘要本文对国内外网络教学的理论和实践作了回顾,结合对我校大学英语教学现状的调查与分析,提出了通过网络环境下的外语自主学习进行大学英语教学的改革方案。 |