It is overtaxed and abused, and when you overuse and abuse the logical mind, you create stress upon your body.
而且滥用使它负担过重,而当你们过度使用和滥用逻辑头脑时候,你们在你们的身体之上造成压力。 |
It is owing to this that her work is so often feeble and fruitless.
她不断的使这位圣灵担忧,因此她的工作才如此软弱,不能结果。 |
It is painted with clouds and driven by a bronze charioteer with four terracotta horses hitched to the front.
四匹战马拉着这辆表面绘有祥云图案的战车,车上有一名青铜御者在驾驶。 |
It is pallid and unimagined for the days with no good prospects.
没有盼头的日子是苍白不可想象的。 |
It is paradoxical that we should know comparatively little about the life of the greatest English author.
令人难以理解的是,我们对这位英国最伟大的作家的生平所致甚少。 |
It is part and parcel of the same battle.
它是同一战斗中不可缺少的组成部分。 |
It is part of a large group of disorders often called autism spectrum disorders.
这是一大批失调者的一部分,常被称为孤独症。 |
It is part of our collective memory.
那是我们集体记忆的一部分。. |
It is part of the community service efforts of Seremban Chinese Methodist Church.
憩苑著重生活品质,学习空间与建立关系,经济上以乐捐和补贴方式进行运作。 |
It is part of the national religion.
这是美国文化的一部分。 |
It is part of the success of the theory that the same value—approximately one angstrom per second per second—works for all these diverse appearances.
同一个数值(大约每秒每秒一埃)能够适用于那麽多不同的情况,也算是这个理论的成功之处。 |