Performing background processing which is not on-line or directly connected to the computer for on-line operation. High priority programs take precedence over specific background jobs.
指实现后台处理。所谓后台处理是指非联机处理,或者说不是直接和计算机连接起来而进行联机操作。优先级高的程序先于特定的后台作业执行。 |
Performing group of diverse instruments in various cultures; in Western art music, an ensemble of multiple strings with various woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments.
不同文化中多种乐器的演奏组合;在西方的艺术音乐中,是多种弦乐器与各种木管乐器、铜管乐器和敲击乐器的合奏。 |
Performing one more or one less iteration usually changes the results substantially.
多一次或者少一次迭代通常都会影响结果。 |
Performing preventive maintenance work and help plant manager finish MI work.
执行预防性的维护和帮助工厂经理完成MI(机械完整性)工作. |
Performing queries based on actual data values in the redo log files.
在重做日志文件中执行基于确定值的查询。 |
Performing requirement engineering tasks.
承担其他软件开发任务。 |
Performing some little act daily to give happiness to your beloved.An act of service, perhaps,a?small?gift ;a word of appreciation;a special smile?of affection,let not the happy brook of your love run dry for?lack of replenishing rain.
每天通过做一些小事给爱人带来快乐,也许是一点关怀,一件小礼品,一句赞美的话,或充满爱意的微笑,缺少爱情之雨的滋润,爱河就会干涸。 |
Performing the complex sequence of movements that positions an effective propulsive surface requires the body to be in particular positions at certain times for the musculature of the shoulders and arms to be correctly employed.
执行这些复杂的动作也就是使身体处于一个更有效地推进表面要求在每个姿态时要停留相应的时间以使肩膀和手臂的肌肉组织能被正确的应用。 |
Performing up to par; did not yet feel up to par.
一般水平的表演;觉得还没达到一般水平 |
Performs 208 billion floating point calculations per second.
每秒多达2千亿次的浮点运算处理能力. |
Performs all work with adherence to safety procedures.
遵守安全规程完成所有工作。 |