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I ask companies to get back to the ban.

I ascertain that he was murdered. 我确定他是被谋杀的。
I ask Allah to grant us and you forgiveness. 我为你们及我们向安拉求宽恕!
I ask BAI Qing, born in 1989 9 23. 我叫白清,出生于1989923。
I ask English speakers to correct me when I talk. 说英语时,请英语为母语人士帮你更正错误.
I ask all of you to remember that, because you are leaders in your communities, and you have chosen to help Lead the Way to a better future. 这一点我请你们都要记住,因为你们是社区的领导人,而且你们已经选择协助带头前进到一个更好的未来。
I ask companies to get back to the ban. 我请求这些公司回到原来的禁忌中去。
I ask for a continental holiday. 我申请到欧洲大陆休假。
I ask for a moment's indulgence to sit by thy side. The works that I have in hand I will finish afterwards. 请容我在你身边坐会儿吧,我手头的工作,呆会儿再去完成。
I ask for help from English speakers. 求助于英语为母语人士.
I ask for the woman ,she is honest,loyal lover,love family and husband,like wide.sports,music,dance,art so on,in high 160cm,in weight 55-60kg,healthy,55-62age.accept me my love. 她是个身体健康,无不良嗜好,不吸烟,少喝酒,不赌.爱好体育运动,太极拳,音乐,舞蹈,文艺,手工艺.爱家,爱孩子,真诚爱丈夫,,.身高一米五八以上,体重七十公斤以内.一般面像.能接钠我去她处的.
I ask her to go and brush her teeth and she just sass me back. 我叫她去刷牙,她就跟我顶起嘴来。

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