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I'm sure they can settle this difference themselves. It's not for you to come between husband and wife.

I'm sure the store has others. 我相信那家店一定还有其它的尺寸。
I'm sure there are some people in Barcelona who are happy we're gone, like the owner of the little restaurant next to our hotel who said his regulars couldn't make it down the street because of all the security surrounding us, but there was real adulation 我相信,在巴塞罗那有些人很高兴我们离开,比如我们酒店旁边的小饭店老板,他说,哪怕是上街都变得不可能,因为酒店周围都戒严了,但我们每到一处都能听到人们发自内心的恭维。
I'm sure there is some room for negotiation. 我肯定还有商量的余地。
I'm sure there's some friendly way to reconcile this! 我相信总会有一些友好的方法和谐解决这个问题的。
I'm sure they are strong and still working hard on finishing the season in a good way. 我肯定他们很强大,仍然努力致力于以出色的方式完成这个赛季。
I'm sure they can settle this difference themselves. It's not for you to come between husband and wife. 我相信他们自己会解决这一分歧的,你不要插在他们夫妻之间。
I'm sure they do want to make amends because I'm sure Istanbul hurt them. 我相信他们的确十分渴望改写那段历史,因为我知道伊斯坦布尔确实伤害了他们。
I'm sure they will try to televise as many games as they can (in China). 我肯定中国会尽他们可能转播比赛的。
I'm sure they will win the game. 我相信他们会赢得这场比赛。
I'm sure they'd like to help her out financially but they are not in a position to do so. 我确信他们是很愿意在金钱方面给予她支持的,但他们没有能力这样做(爱莫能助)。
I'm sure this message board will soon become more colorful. Let's hurry and read today's messages. 相信很快我们这个留言板就会变得五彩缤纷了。赶紧看看今天的留言吧!

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