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Reminiscence of a Roving Scholar: Science, Humanity and Josephy Needham, Ho's academic autobiography, was published in Singapore and written by him in English.

Remind us that death may dawn on us anytime, it is to propel us not to waste any single day. 提醒自己死亡随时会来临,就是策励自己不要枉过每一天。
Remind you of your student days, Wills? 王子,是否在这里想起了你学生时代的生活?
Reminder: Every Wednesday at noon pacific time we will be offline for several hours to do database backups. 提醒:太平洋时间每周三中午,我们将停机数小时以进行数据库备份。
Reminds me of the snow-white lived in the deep forest, far away from the stately castle, far away from her own Lithe and cozy bed. 让我想起,住在森林里的白雪公主,远离堂皇的城堡,不能睡在自己柔软舒服的床上。
Reminiscence of Luan He River epically and profoundly proves to be a special cultural feast as it relates the history, culture, politics, economy and ethos along its drainage area in a span of 5000 years. 《滦河故事》运用史诗般的风格和深沉博大的抒情手法,讲述滦河流域上下五千年的历史、文化、政治、经济、民俗,是一道特殊的文化大餐。
Reminiscence of a Roving Scholar: Science, Humanity and Josephy Needham, Ho's academic autobiography, was published in Singapore and written by him in English. 《一位漂流学者的回忆录:科学、人文和李约瑟》是2005年出版的何丙郁先生的英文学术性自传。
Remit the interest to her new address. 将利息寄到她的新地址
Remittance means that the buyer remits money to the seller through a bank on his own initiative. 汇付是顺汇法,是指进口人主动将货款付给出口人,属于商业信用。
Remittance must be completed by July 30, Monday. 汇款截止日期为7月30日,星期一.
Remittances may also keep currencies artificially high, harming growth. 汇款同样带来人为的提升货币,损害增长率。
Remnants of the Marble Boat.After excavation and clearing.the boat-shaped base has been restored to its original form. 别有洞天“活画舫”残迹,其基座用青石雕砌成船舫样式。现经挖掘整理,增砌石料舫面。

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