They lied only a few blocks from Congress, whose white dome can be seen in the background.
他们靠着国会(就是那个任何不起眼的地方都能被看见的白色圆房顶的国会)提供的微薄补贴来生存。 |
They lift him up by his feet and lower his head into water,with his arms tired behind him.
抓住他的脚把他提起来,把他的脑袋放到水里,他的双手被反绑在背后。(真惨!) |
They lifted earth in baskets, passed bricks from hand to hand and dragged heavy stones with ropes over their shoulders.
他们用筐抬土,用手递砖,肩上套着绳子拖拉沉重的石块。 |
They lifted the basket on to the truck.
他们把篮子抬到卡车上。 |
They light their own lamps and sing their own words in their temples.
他们点了他们自己的灯,在他们的寺院内,吟唱他们自己的话语。 |
They lightly clasped hands. Each of their wedding rings that shone on their left ring fingers sparkled more and more as if beaming with their love.
他们轻轻地将十指紧扣在一起。仿佛为了他们的爱而微笑一般,两枚结婚戒指在他们的无名指上闪耀着越来越灿烂的光芒。 |
They like Charlotte Joko Beck's talk about simple pleasures, complementing Epicurus and having a balanced and calm life.
他们喜欢夏洛特·乔克·贝克关于朴素快乐的理念。 |
They like Chinese culture very much.
他们非常喜欢中国文化。 |
They like Rudy and Barack. They worry most about Iraq, and over half think the country's on the wrong track. They are liberal, but not always.
他们支持朱良尼和巴拉克。他们最担心伊拉克问题,同时有逾半年轻选民认为,美国走上错误的路。他们是自由派,但并非始终如一。 |
They like extremes: they can be joyful and melancholic in a short period of time.
他们总是很很极端化的,他们会在很短的时间内一时忧愁一时又是欢喜.我也是! |
They like going to the library.
他们喜欢去图书馆。 |