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Even those deceptively cheap weekend breaks cannot be exempt.

Even they don't believe in God (now)... I believe it's a good chance to make ourself become better. 即使人们(现在)不信神,我仍觉得这是个助益自己的好机会.
Even thinking of it makes me shake. 就连想到牙医我都不寒而栗。
Even this can be difficult as it is easy to fall into the Alice effect while travelling. 甚至这样都是困难的,在旅行过程中,很容易掉入艾丽斯效应之中。
Even this definitive erasure of the distinction between the living and non-living worlds is not, however, the most radical idea in synthetic biology. 然而,即便是这种完全抹杀生物与非生物之间的界限的做法,也算不上合成生物学中最激进的想法。
Even this forgiveness is not forced upon us. 即使是这样的赦免之恩,神也不会强迫我们接受。
Even those deceptively cheap weekend breaks cannot be exempt. 即使那些看似无伤大雅的周末度假也无一例外要被取消。
Even those impoverished areas will probably achieve economic takeoff with a little international help and the application of “best option” technologies. 即使是那些赤贫地区,也可能在国际救助以及「最佳」科技的应用下,达到经济起飞的目的。
Even those neutrals who had not been displeased, back in May, to see the championship go to Stamford Bridge for the first time in half a century found themselves hoping that he would pay for his presumption. 甚至那些5月份时还不因切尔西在斯坦福桥举起50年来首个联赛冠军奖杯而不满的中立人士们,也希望肯扬会为他大胆的预测付出代价。
Even those passengers who were most distrustful of themselves plucked up amazingly. 甚至那些对自己最缺乏信心的乘客也鼓起了勇气,真令人惊异。
Even those surviving are merely in a never ending struggle against hunger and danger, doomed to succumb to the torment of sickness and accident. 侥幸生存者亦不过在饥饿与危险中无休止的挣扎、难敌病患意外的折磨。
Even those that explicitly asked for “quiet periods” to get on with their real work were not spared. 即便是那些明确要求有个“平静期”以便继续从事其实际工作的国家也未能幸免。

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