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Students have to consider not only the tuition, the cost of classes, but also meals and a place to live, known as room-and-board.

Students have access to all the books in the library. 学生有使用图书馆内书籍的权利。
Students have access to the library during the vacation. 放假期间学生可以进入图书馆.
Students have an opportunity to study one trial in depth and present their findings to the class. 学生于课堂中将有机会针对一个审判做深入探讨,并于课堂中报告心得。
Students have been used to the life at school. 学生们已习惯了学校生活。
Students have less number, the teachers and students emotion is harmonious, very harmonious in the campus, it is a great characteristic of this school. 学生人数少,师生情感融洽,校园一片和谐,是本校的一大特色。
Students have to consider not only the tuition, the cost of classes, but also meals and a place to live, known as room-and-board. 学生不仅仅要考虑学费--课程的费用,还必须考虑食宿问题--食品与住宿的地方。
Students have to deal with many problems when they study abroad. 学生在国外学习需要独立处理很多问题。
Students have to race against time to complete games at seven different checkpoints across the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Campus - games that require them to repeat tongue twisters as fast as they can, guess song lyrics, tell a story and do various 学生需在限时内尽快通过遍布于香港理工大学校园内的七个关卡,其中包括以最快的速度说绕口令、猜歌词、说故事及其他林林总总的任务,全部需要使用英语来完成。
Students have to stick to pumpkin juice, orange juice at breakfast and there is also milk on the breakfast table, but obviously not for drinking (at least it is never mentioned that any of the students does), probably they pour it over the cornflakes. 学生们早餐时只能喝南瓜汁、橙汁,当然早餐也有牛奶提供,但很明显不是为了喝的(从来没有一个学生被提到这样做的),也许是用来泡脆玉米片喝的。
Students have traveled to sixty countries over the years. 这些年,学生们已经完成了对60个国家的访问。
Students identify differences between Chinese and Western/International etiquette. 学生们可辨别出中国与西方/国际礼仪的不同之处。

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