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The Health Ministry said the purpose of the handout was to prevent the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

The Head of the Class section provides useful strategies for studying English, applying for study abroad programs, and strengthening overall writing, studying, and organization skills. 同时“尖子生园地”提供了学英语的方法,留学申请指导,和全面提高写作以及学习和安排组织能力。
The Headquarters of the General Staff, the General Political Department, the General Logistics Department and the General Armaments Department. 分别是总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部,总装备部。
The Healing Aura from Tree of Life is not being applied party members at full range. 生命之树的治疗光环作用于队伍成员的距离小于设定。
The Healing Centre was a place of many rooms. 治疗中心是一个有许多房间的地方。
The Health Ministry has encouraged clinics totch to disposable needles and syringes, but even those are sometimes reused, or cleaned and repackaged in a large underground market, according to medical experts here and reports in the Chinese media. 根据中国卫生专家在媒体中报道,卫生部号召实行一次性注射器,但是黑市还是把一次性注射器,针头清洗,再包装,卖出再用.
The Health Ministry said the purpose of the handout was to prevent the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. 卫生部称,分发避孕套是为了预防艾滋病和其他性传播疾病。
The Health Ministry's anger over the new olive elixir is mainly directed at the country's populist television chat shows which have been whipping up a frenzy. 最近,主要是由于希腊最受欢迎的电视清谈节目中,推出了一种新的橄榄树灵丹妙药,惹来了全国一阵疯狂,这让希腊卫生部部长很是气愤。
The Heart of the Griffin! I know it was made to banish Demons, but can we use it on ourselves? 狮鹫之心!我知道它被用来放逐恶魔,我们可以在自己身上施用吗?
The Heat used its second-round pick, No. 39, to select Croatian center Stanko Barac but traded his rights to Indiana for another 2009 second-round pick. 热火从39号签选了一个中锋,但交易给了步行者换来了明年的一个次轮选秀权。
The Heat will have a mark on them every single game they play, and Wade has to believe that teams are not going to let him get easy baskets at any cost. 热队会喜欢上他们打的每一场球,韦德必须明白他的队伍不可能让他那么轻松的打球的。
The Heat's roster is studded with stars who never won a title. 热火的阵容中点缀着一些从未得到过总冠军的球星。

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