Asks the possible of the Impossible Where is your dwelling-place ?In the dreams of the impotent , comes the answer.
1「可能」问「不可能」说:「你住在那儿呢?」它回答:「在那无能者的梦里。」 |
Asks where goes to the Australian Brisbane in ascend machine?
请问去澳大利亚布里斯班在哪里登机? |
Asks you not to be angry first, please first look this mail, you send in the test report order form number and the product model have the mistake, therefore, I cannot determine, you test the cargo is goods which our company sends, asks you to check, then
请您先别生气,请先看完这封邮件,你发过来的测试报告中的定单号与产品型号均有错误,所以,我不能确定,你所测试的货物是我公司发过去的货,请你重新清查一下,再给我回复好吗? |
Aslan sacrifices himself as payment for Edmund's treachery and as a result Aslan is reborn stronger than ever.
雄狮阿斯兰牺牲了自己作为对埃德蒙背叛的偿还,结果阿斯兰得到了重生,并且变得比任何时候都更强大。 |
Aslan: Do not cite the Deep Magic with me, Witch. I was there when it was been written.
阿斯兰:少给我引述远古秘法,巫婆。法律颁布时我也在场。 |
Aslan: Raise, Sir Peter Wolf's-Bane.
阿斯兰:平身,封你为屠狼骑士彼得。 |
Asleep time, I have a dream.
睡着的时候,我做了个梦。 |
Aslong as Yellowstone's bears were on the endangered species list, Popesaid, permits for these activities had to take the bears into account.
只要黄石的熊人就濒临绝种名单,教宗说:证这些活动以熊在内. |
Aslong as it remains a bond, ICULS holders will enjoy payment of interestincome at a predetermined specified coupon rate.
只要我们仍然债券iculs持有人可享有利息收益在预定订息率. |
Aso has made diplomatically controversial comments in the past.
麻生太郎过去发表过引起外交争议的言论。 |
Asocial movement is autonomous insofar it can independently decide its strategy with little constraint from the allied party.
在自主的情境之下,社运组织较有能力独立设置自己的策略,而不受到联盟政党的限制。 |