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Rocks, trees and lakes abound in the Canadian Shield area of Ontario.

Rocks - Safety, refuge and protection. 岩石-安全、庇佑和防护。
Rocks and stones are inanimate. 岩石是无生命的。
Rocks having original porosity are more uniform in their characteristics than those rocks in which a large part of the porosity is induced. 具有原生孔隙度的岩石比次生孔隙度占大部分的岩石在性质上更具有一致性。
Rocks weather until they are worn away. 岩石经风吹雨打而剥蚀,直至完全风化。
Rocks were my only ammunition against the tiger. 石头是我对付老虎的唯一武器。
Rocks, trees and lakes abound in the Canadian Shield area of Ontario. 安大略的加拿大地盾区有大量的岩石、树木和湖泊。
Rockwell Automation (NYSE: ROK), is a leading global provider of automation, power, control, and information solutions that help manufacturers achieve a competitive advantage in their businesses. 罗克韦尔自动化(NYSE:ROK),是全球最大的自动化、电力、控制和信息解决方案供应商,致力于帮助生产商提升其业务竞争优势。
Rockwell Automation is uniquely focused on becoming the most valued global provider of power, control and information solutions for automation. 罗克韦尔自动化公司致力于成为最受客户信赖的自动化控制、动力和信息解决方案的供应商。
Rockwell Automation, a $4.6 billion global industrial automation company is the leading industrial automation provider in North America and the largest stand-alone industrial automation company in the world. 罗克韦尔自动化,是一家年销售收入约为45亿美元的跨国公司,是北美最大的自动化供应商之一,也是全球最大的专注于提供工业自动化产品和解决方案的公司之一。
Rocky Balboa to his son: Let me tell you something you already know. 洛奇对他的儿子:「等我话您知一些您已经知道的事。
Rocky Mountain News - After suffering a torn right anterior cruciate at San Antonio in the first game of the season, Nene was believed to be lost for the season. 自从在本赛季第一场在圣安东尼奥的比赛中右膝十字韧带前端撕裂,内内就被认为这个赛季将不会出现在赛场。

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