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The car accident due to driver's neglect.

The capybara, nearly the size of a grown human, was not expressing telomerase, suggesting evolution was willing to forgo the benefits in order to reign in cancer. 几乎和成人体重相当的水豚并不表达端粒酶,说明进化还是更乐于放弃复原的益处而到达对癌症的控制。
The car I want to buy costs five thousand pounds. I've got three thousand in ready money, and I'll get a bank loan for the rest. 我要买的车价钱为5千英镑,现在我这里有3千现钞,剩下的差额我将请银行贷款。
The car accelerated as it overtook me. 那辆汽车一加速就超越了我.
The car accelerated away and was soon just a speck on the horizon. 汽车加大油门开走了,不一会儿就消失在地平线上,看上去只有一个小点了。
The car accelerated away and was soon just a speck on the horizon. 汽车加大油门开走了,不一会儿就消失在地平线上,看上去只有一个小点了。
The car accident due to driver's neglect. 这起车祸起因于驾驶疏忽.
The car across the street was no fluke; a thick coating of sand and dirt covered everything. 停在马路对面的汽车也像邻家的车一样;所有的一切全都被盖上了厚厚的尘土。
The car acted up because the spark plugs were dirty. 汽车出毛病是因为火花塞脏了。
The car alarm went off as John Doe was trying to steal the car. 当某人试著偷那台车时,汽车警报器响起了。
The car alarm went off,but they must've disengaged it. 防盗器响了,但是他们一定把它切断了。
The car all but ran over him. 车子几乎把他撵过去。

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