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But missing among the sea urchin genes are some genes found in flies and worms.

But millions of diabetics need several daily injections of insulin. 但是成千上万的糖尿病患者需要每天注射这种含有胰岛素的药物。
But mind of dirty always what to come from is oneself. 而心灵的肮脏始终来自的是自己.
But mine enemies are lively, and they are strong: and they that hate me wrongfully are multiplied. 诗38:19但我的仇敌又活泼又强壮.无理恨我的增多了。
But mine eyes are unto thee, O God the Lord: in thee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute. 诗141:8主耶和华阿、我的眼目仰望你.我投靠你、求你不要将我撇得孤苦。
But minority denominations face tiresome legal obstacles, especially in countries with big traditional churches. 在传统教会盛行的国家,少数教派就受到法律规定的打压。
But missing among the sea urchin genes are some genes found in flies and worms. 但是海胆缺失了在苍蝇和蠕虫中发现的基因。
But mixed in among the pygmy Stegodon remains excavators found a fancier set of tools, one that included finely worked points, large blades, awls and small blades that may have been hafted for use as spears. 但是,发掘人员在出土剑齿象遗骸的地层里找到了一组更为复杂的石器,包括制作精美的尖器、大型石瓣器、锥子、也许当矛头用的小石瓣器。
But mobsters have been looking to diversify their operations. 据报道,犯罪集团的成员一直希望能将作案手段“多样化”。
But models are not given single runs. 但是,模型并不是设计来进行一次试验的。
But modern genetic techniques have shown that in many species females in apparently monogamous relationships often produce families that have more than one father. 但是现代遗传学技术表明,许多物种的雌性很明显是处于一种单配关系中,但所生育的后代却有着不止一个父亲。
But modern life cannot be conducted on these physically strenuous principles. 但现代生活不能按这些需要艰苦体力的原则来进行。

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