Costs tend to be monthly on what is called a per seat (per extension) basis with prices starting at $19 per seat / month.
费用根据所谓的座机数量按月计算,价格从每台座机每月19美金开始计算。 |
Costs that are; fixed in the short run when capacity is given may become variable in the longer run when capacity can be in-creased.
有些成本当产量一定时,在一段比较短的时期里,表现为固定成本,但从长期角度来看,当产量增加后,这些成本可以转化为变动成本。 |
Costs to produce the export product over and above costs to produce items sold domestically.
出口产品生产成本高出内销产品生产成本的部分. |
Costs were simply omitted—and eventually ballooned to well over twice the original appropriation.
建筑成本只是被疏忽了-而最终资金的耗费竟然剧增到最初计划拨款的两倍。 |
Costume design in modern design, apparel modeling dynamic content and the beauty of form has been further enriched and Extension.
在现代服装设计设计中,服饰造型动态美的内涵和表现形式得到了进一步的丰富和拓广。 |
Costume rental fee is $10.00 per set.
4舞蹈室提供租借舞台服装,每套为租金$10.00。 |
Costumes for this [Share moment, share life -Kodak Anita Mui Shanghai Tai Mou Tai Concert] is another big attraction.
这次《“分享此刻分享生活”柯达梅艳芳上海演唱会》上梅艳芳的演出服是又一大看点。 |
Cothurnus's vitallest expression is the common day that arise and set abut us.
最有生命力的悲剧表演,就是每天在我们身边出没的平凡生活。 |
Cotinine and other metabolites are excreted in your urine.
大约80%的尼古丁在肝脏里酶的催化作用下分解成可铁宁。 |
Cott, Nancy F. The Grounding of Modern Feminism. 1987.
《现代女性主义的基础》1987. |
Cotter, James F. and Anlin Chen (1997), Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: The Profitability of Underwriting Initial Public Offerings, presented at 1997 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
陈安琳、李文智(1998),非营利组织基金管理绩效之研究,非营利组织之经营管理与社会角色学术研讨会。 |