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He could do anything, play anywhere, and the world awaited the full scale of his glory.

He could beat you on any side of the floor, take you in, force you out, dunk with his right, his left, score over anybody with his length, and when on streaks, will NOT miss a shot. 他可以在球场的任何位置打败你,骗你进来,把你挤出去,在任何像他这个高度的人头上得分在飞跑的时候,不会浪费任何一次进攻。
He could bluff his way through any difficulty. 他可以招摇撞骗闯过任何难关。
He could bring out the universal element in the most parochial of issues. 他能在最狭隘的问题中揭示出普遍的要素。
He could contain no longer. 他再也无法自制。
He could crossover the best defenders, get to the rim with the greatest of ease, and had the complete offensive game. 他可以交叉运球过掉最好的防守者,轻松地攻到篮下,而且具有全面的进攻手段。
He could do anything, play anywhere, and the world awaited the full scale of his glory. 他能做任何事,打任何位置,整个世界都在等待他的荣誉大满贯。
He could do it if he were so minded. 假如他想做,他就能做。
He could do nothing but stand and wonder. 他只得惊奇地站著不动.
He could do nothing but wait. 他除了等,别无它法。
He could even picture her impatience. 他甚至可以想象得出她的焦躁不安。
He could even think coolly of the dead man he had left in the house. 当他想起他留在房子里的那具死尸,他居然很镇静。

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