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I want to lose weightis a poorly-fo**ed goal.

I want to get out of this place, take me home to my mother,said Aladdin. “我要从这地方出去,送我回妈妈身边。”阿拉丁对他说。
I want to get rid of the image of a cylindrical body with wings,said Etnel Straatsma of Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. 荷兰代夫特工业大学的伊特内尔·斯特拉斯玛说:“我想摆脱(飞机一贯的)长着翅膀的圆柱形机身的形象。”
I want to go to the merry-go-round,demanded Aya, Mehdi's 5-year-old daughter. Hurry up, we are losing time,she said, prodding her mother. “我要玩旋转木马”,梅迪五岁的女儿阿雅捅捅她妈妈说,“快点,我们在浪费时间!”
I want to help Slavia in the Czech league as well as in the Champions League qualification. 我想帮助斯拉维亚队在捷克联赛中获得欧冠参赛资格.
I want to join Cologne, the club has large potential,Szabics told Stuttgarter Nachrichten after holding talks with Cologne officials. “我很想加盟科隆,这支俱乐部有很大的潜力。”绍比奇在与科隆俱乐部的官员会谈后接受《斯图加特新闻》的采访时说。
I want to lose weightis a poorly-fo**ed goal. “我想减轻体重”是个恶劣形式的目标。
I want to lose weightis a poorly-formed goal. “我想减轻体重”是个恶劣形式的目标。
I want to marry the princess Badrul. I want a fine house, fine clothes, jewels and money.The Genie did this. “我要跟巴德瑞尔结婚。我要漂亮的房子、漂亮的衣服、珠宝和许多钱。”神怪帮他办好了这些事。
I want to play out of doors,requested the child, hoping his voice did not tremble. 我想去户外玩,那个孩子请求道,他希望自己的声音听上去不颤抖.
I want to project new images as an actor, playing a bad guy and a charismatic role besides a romantic role. 我希望以演员演绎崭新的形象,扮演反派角色,除了浪漫也希望是有魅力的角色.
I want to run a grocery store in the countryside.A high-ranking military officer replied. For me,an female minister said, I'd like to operate a small inn at the seashore of Costa Rica.A mayor preferred to switch to another occupation as a photographer. 一位军界要人的回答,是去乡间开一个杂货铺;一位女部长的答案,是到哥斯达黎加的海滨经营一个小旅馆;一位市长的愿望是改行当摄影记者;一位劳动部长是想做一家饮料公司的经理。

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