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I am reading a book now.

I am rather boring other than tired. 我与其说是疲惫不如说是厌倦.
I am rather tired than bored. 我与其说是疲惫不如说是厌倦.
I am rather weariness than tired. 我与其说是疲惫不如说是厌倦.
I am reading 'Ode to Autumn' written by Keats. 我在读济慈的“秋颂”。
I am reading a book about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. 我正在看一本关于罗马帝国兴衰的书。
I am reading a book now. 我现在正在读书。
I am reading a book. 我正在读着一本书。
I am reading an abridged edition of Pride and Prejudice. 我正在读《傲慢与偏见》的简写本。
I am reading books. He is writing an e-mail in the study. 20我正在看书.他正在书房写电子邮件.
I am reading master and do not know whether my English is sufficient in your firm or not, but also asks the company to speak cogently,English person who needs any type degree makes any type English work. 在读硕士,不知道所学英语在贵公司够不够用哦,还请公司明言,需要什么样程度的英语人,去做什么样的英语工作.
I am reading the China Daily now. 我现在正读中国日报。

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