Perceived from the perspective of hermeneutic, the shift from the conventional servant hidden identity to the modern creative expositor identity not only has provided a enormous freedom of thinking and activity for translators but also is of extremely sig
摘要从解释学的角度看,从传统的仆人隐形人身份转换为现代的创造性解释者身份,这不仅在理论与实践两方面为译者提供了宽阔的思想与活动空间,而且对于当代中国翻译学的建设也具有重要的意义。 |
Percent Daily Values (DV)are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
每日所需标准百分比,是以热量2000卡之膳食为计算标准。 |
Percent untapped potential refers to differences between actual MYR yields and what scientists estimate are maximum obtainable yields for the selected crops.
未开发潜力百分数表示实际最高产量研究产量与科学家估计能够取得的供试作物最高产量的差值。 |
Percentage figures may not always add up to 100% due to rounding off or data compilation errors.
3.“其它”里面包括因燃料泄漏产生的排放及分配电力和热力时的误差。 |
Perception consumers have of a company created by its logo, design, and visual image.
企业识别消费者通过公司的标识、设计和视觉形象确立的对公司的印象。 |
Perception is not reality. Only trade on “quality” advice.
直觉是不可靠的,要根据研究心得来交易。 |
Perception, after all, is reality.
毕竟感觉到的就是真实。 |
Perceptions are derived from the mental constructs of the players.
观点来自于参与者的心智结构。 |
Perceptions ranged from assigning and checking other people's work to motivating others to do the work.
大家看法各不相同,有的认为自己的职责是分配和检查他人工作,有的认为自己的职责是激励他人完成工作。 |
Perceptive and understanding of others your positive approach to life and influential nature means that you have leadership qualities.
他人的理解;你对生命的肯定和有影响的本性意味着你有很好的领导能力。 |
Perceptron as Feature Detector. Visual Receptive Fields.
做为特徵探测器的感应机。视觉的接受域。 |