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In Rowling's fictional reality, there is no Other Place and Time.

In Richard Rosenfeld's opinion, “Kids will outgrow ear infections no matter what we do. 理查德*罗森费尔德认为:“不论我们采取什么方法,孩子长大都会摆脱耳朵感染。
In Romania, General Ion Antonescu's Iron Guard arrests and executes over 60 of exiled King Carol II of Romania's aides, including former minister Nicolae Iorga. 1940年,在罗马尼亚,艾恩·安东尼斯库将军的艾恩护卫队逮捕并枪决了流亡国王卡罗三世在罗马尼亚的随从,人数超过60人,其中包括前大臣尼古拉·依尔嘎。
In Romans Ch 4:17 Paul argues the fact that circumcision was but a sign of the faith he had already developed when he believed that God was able to perform what was humanly impossible because of the inability of Abraham and Sarah to have a child. 在罗马书4:9-11中,保罗辩论说,割礼只是一个亚伯拉罕已经有的信仰的记号,早在他相信神能够做成人不能做的事的时候,他就已经发展了他的信仰;因为他相信了神能够让不生育的他和撒拉有一个孩子。
In Rome it's said that it originated in 5th Century as a tribute to St.Valentine,a Catholic bishop. 在罗马,据说它源自于5世纪,是为了纪念天主教的主教圣·瓦伦丁。
In Roslin, Scotland, scientists announce that an adult sheep named Dolly had been successfully cloned. 1997年的今天,在苏格兰的罗斯林的一帮科学家宣布一只叫作“多莉”的成年羊已被成功克隆。
In Rowling's fictional reality, there is no Other Place and Time. 在罗琳虚构的现实世界中,却没有另一个空间和时间。
In Russia and Britain they still have the ranks of Marshal. 在俄罗斯和英国他们还设元帅军衔。
In Russia several of the discs were tested. 苏联测试了一些圆盘。
In Russia, the highest sign of recognition from the Crown meant a kiss from the Tsar himself. 在俄国,得到皇室承认的最高象征就是沙皇本人给予的亲吻。
In Rwanda, for example, HIV/AIDS is contained, carried by 3% of the population. 例如在卢旺达,3%的人口感染和携带艾滋病病毒。
In SAAM, traditional paintings share the museum with old silver-print photographs and hangings of woven material. 传统画和古老的银感光照片以及纺织材料挂饰同时在SAAM展出。

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