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But a set of results from the Hubble space telescope, released on Tuesday May 15th (ahead of publication in the Astrophysical Journal, in June), suggest that dark matter may finally have been “seen”.

But a recent breakthrough is the ability to use computers to analyse years' worth of news stories to see how certain headlines affected market movements and use those patterns to program computers to trade on the latest news developments. 但是,人们最近在这方面取得了一个突破性进展,可以利用电脑分析最近几年的新闻价值,看看一些新闻标题是如何影响市场走势的,并利用这些模式为电脑编程,让电脑根据最新新闻进展进行交易。
But a rhetorical perspective is natural and common for political and product advertising and for analyzing politicians' efforts to influence the public by manipulating news coverage; these efforts are obviously and intentionally persuasive. 然而,对于政治与商业广告,对于分析政客通过熟练操纵新闻报道来影响公众所做的努力而言,一个修辞学的分析则可以说是自然而然、司空见惯的了——这些努力是显而易见的,并且也是卓有成效的。
But a rhetorical reading cannot guarantee authority over interpretations. 但是修辞性阅读并不能保证阐释的权威性。
But a second problem is less obvious: the lack of rigorous performance management. 不过,第二个问题并不那么明显:缺乏严格的绩效管理。
But a senior U.S. official told reporters here the Iranian leadership is not monolithic and that Larijani appeared to be sincere in the talks with Solana. 但是一位美国高级官员告诉记者伊朗的领导层的意见并不统一,并且拉里贾尼在会谈中对索拉纳表现的极为真诚。
But a set of results from the Hubble space telescope, released on Tuesday May 15th (ahead of publication in the Astrophysical Journal, in June), suggest that dark matter may finally have been “seen”. 不过5月15日发布的一组哈勃太空望远镜观测到的结果(比六月《天体物理学杂志》的出版要早)表明,人们或许最终能“看见”暗物质。
But a short statement issued by the Swiss Economic Ministry, which organized the informal ministerial meeting, Saturday said the group wanted a quick resumption of “full-scale activity” in trade talks. 但于周六组织进行了非正式部长级会议的瑞士经济部门发表了一个简短声明中表示,他们希望贸易会谈中“全面活动”可以快速重新启动。
But a significant part of the data will be irrelevant to the question, so in practice this means that information is usually buried under irrelevant data and therefore almost inaccessible. 但是有很大一部份的资料将会与问题毫无干系,因此在实用上这代表:信息通常被湮没在不相干的资料中,因而几乎是无法取得的。
But a similar measure was allowed no such decisive expression in the Senate. 但类似的决策性决议并未在参议院过关。
But a skilled advertising man can present previously overlooked virtues in a product in a way that will make people reach for it. 但是,一位有技巧的广告创意人可以将产品原被忽略的特点表现出来,从而激发人们拥有的欲望。
But a sleek Italian restaurant may require a 10% contribution. 但是在一个雅致的意大利餐馆就餐,可能就要多付10%的小费。

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