A voltage signal cos(2*pi*Freq*tt), freq = 2(MHz) added by Normal noise. is demonstrated for 2-D dependence of the waveform on time and trials and 2-D dependence of spectrum on frequency and trials to show different time domain and frequency domain proper
以加上准常态杂讯之弦波电压讯号为例,图示含有杂讯电压讯号其波形随时间及试验之二维变动及频谱随频率及试验之二维变动,显示杂讯与讯号之随机过程在时域与频域之不同特性。 |
A voltage signal uexp(tt/Pw) added by zero mean Uniform noise. is demonstrated for 2-D dependence of the waveform on time and trials and 2-D dependence of spectrum on frequency and trials to show different time domain and frequency domain properties of a
以加上均匀杂讯之单边递减波电压讯号为例,图示含有杂讯电压讯号其波形随时间及试验之二维变动及频谱随频率及试验之二维变动,显示杂讯与讯号之随机过程在时域与频域之不同特性。 |
A voltage signal uexp(tt/Pw) multiplied by Normal noise is demonstrated for 2-D dependence of the waveform on time and trials and 2-D dependence of spectrum on frequency and trials to show different time domain and frequency domain properties of a random
以乘上准常态杂讯之单边递减波电压讯号为例,图示含有杂讯电压讯号其波形随时间及试验之二维变动及频谱随频率及试验之二维变动,显示杂讯与讯号之随机过程在时域与频域之不同特性。 |
A voltmeter connected across A to B would read 10 volts.
两点间的电压表的读数应为10伏。 |
A volume of learned articles or essays by colleagues and admirers, serving as a tribute or memorial especially to a scholar.
纪念文集同事或仰慕者写的尤指送给一位学者作为礼物或纪念的学术性论文或散文的汇编 |
A volume of storage media, formatted with a particular file system type, available for retrieving and (in most cases) storing information.
存储媒介的容量,通常格式化为某种特定的文件系统类型,用以存取信息。 |
A volumetric weight charge applies if volume(length*width*height)is greater than 6,000 cubic centimeters per kilo.
如货物体积超过实际重量,将按体积重量计算,如体积重量小于实际重量,将按实际重量计算,总之取两者较大者计算. |
A voluntary agreement among governments, it extends far beyond the European Union with 45 signatory nations, from Norway to Azerbaijan.
政府间的自愿协定已远远超出了欧盟范围,包含了从挪威到阿塞拜疆45个签署国。 |
A voluntary fund intended to help finance information technology projects in developing countries has only raised 6 million dollars in cash and pledges .
一个旨在援助发展中国家财政信息技术项目的志愿基金会目前只筹到了600万美元的现金和实物抵押。 |
A voluntary fund, intended to help finance information technology projects in developing countries, has only raised six million dollars in cash and pledges.
一个旨在帮助发展中国家财政信息技术项目的志愿基金会,到目前仅筹集到了600万美元的现金和实物抵押。 |
A volunteer fireman in eastern North Carolina says damage from a tornado is just as bad as it gets.
北卡莱罗纳州东部一名消防志愿者称,龙卷风造成的损失“一显无遗”。 |