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Primary cell culture from gill explants of amphioxus

Research on the Index System of Ecological Regionalization in River Aquatic Environment and Its Enlightenment to China 河流水环境生态分区指标体系的研究及对我国的启示
Studies on the Acute Toxicity and Genetic Toxicity Effects of Tartrazine to Paramisgurnus dabryanus 柠檬黄对大鳞副泥鳅的急性毒性及遗传毒性实验
Selection of high-producing riboflavin genes by using metagenomic data 利用宏基因组数据筛选高产核黄素的基因片段
Utilization of SUMO expression vector to efficiently express mouse FGF-21 and studying of its bioactivity SUMO融合系统高效表达可溶性鼠源FGF-21及其活性的研究
Influence of Young Maize(Zea Mays L.)on Soil Microbial Activity and Community Structure Diversity in a Pyrene Contaminated Soil 玉米幼苗对芘污染土壤微生物活性及多样性的影响
Primary cell culture from gill explants of amphioxus 文昌鱼鳃组织原代培养
Screening of botanical POD and CAT and their interaction with heavy metals 植物源POD和CAT的筛选及其与重金属的相互作用
Practising and Thinking on the Methods in Biochemistry Teaching 生物化学课程多种教学方法的实践与思考
Effect of initial substrate concentrations and pH on hydrogen production from xylose with Clostridium butyricum T4 初始底物浓度及pH对丁酸梭菌T4发酵木糖产氢的影响
Composition and Status of Fishes of Nanla River in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China 云南省西双版纳州南拉河鱼类组成及其现状
Optimization of Fermentation Conditions by Suillus luteus 褐环乳牛肝菌发酵条件的优化

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