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After the problem is reported, engineering staffs will analyze in order to reproduce and isolate faults, narrow down to the root cause, and fix the problem.

After the price advances, making higher bottoms and higher tops for two days or more, you move the line on the 2-day chart up to the high of each day until there is another reversal. 价格上涨后,形成高底和高顶持续两天或两天以上,你就要在二日图上向上将线移动到高于任何一天价格的地方,直到另一个反转的出现。
After the priest announces, I now pronounce you husband and wifethe couple will kiss and leave the church as the guests shower them with confetti and coloured rice. 当牧师宣布“我现在宣布你们结为夫妻”之后,这对新人就会相吻,并伴着宾客向他们抛撒的五彩纸屑和彩米离开教堂。
After the printing press was invented,1 stories could be written down and read by many people. 印刷术发明了之后,故事可以被写下来,供许多人阅读。
After the probationary period the company decide to offer him a full-time contract. 经过试用期,公司已决定给他订一个全日工作的合同。
After the problem is completely fixed, the cause of problem and the final report will be disclosed to customer by either telephone, fax, email, or mail. 在故障完全清除后,应以电话,传真,信函,邮件等任何一种形式通知客户,讲明故障原因及最终处理结果。
After the problem is reported, engineering staffs will analyze in order to reproduce and isolate faults, narrow down to the root cause, and fix the problem. 故障出现后,各分公司工程部技术人员凭经验及对故障表现的分析,初步判断故障所在,并进行处理。做到及时发现故障,积极查找故障原因,认真处理排除故障。
After the problem resolves, the alarm will stop. 问题解决,告警停止。
After the procedure for the aforementioned alteration of use zoning has been completed, applications for use of converted land with an area of fifty hectares or more shall still be handled in accordance with the procedures stipulated in Article 15-1 of th 前项使用分区变更程序完成后,申请使用地变更编定面积达五公顷以上者,仍应依区域计画法第十五条之一及其他相关法令规定程序办理;面积未达五公顷者,其办理程序如附件二及附件三。
After the procedure the twins\' head-to-head operating tables were pulled apart slightly, the statement said. 声明说,手术后双胞胎头对头的手术台轻轻地被推开了.
After the program finds the latest version, it hands over control to that file and thus runs the application in the normal way. 在程序找到最新版本后,它将控制权移交给这个文件,并且以普通方式来运行此文件。
After the program transcribes finished, this program director Xu Gehui of Hong Kong Phoenix TV got to know his family situation and gave him an envelope. 当节目录制完毕后,这期节目的主持人——香港凤凰卫视的许戈辉了解到他的家庭情况,变送给他一个信封。

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