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The nucleating effects of α and β nucleating agent on the crystallization behavior of polypropylene (PP) were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction spectrum (XRD).

The nuclear power station was only built after much opposition from the public. 经过大众极力反对后,那座核能发电场才建起来。
The nuclear problem of urbanization is the dynamic mechanism of population village-city migration. 摘要人口乡村-城市迁移的动力机制问题是城市化问题的核心。
The nuclear states, Britain and France, broadly agree that peace is guaranteed by great powers being able to deter threats credibly: hence France's (discreet) support for an American shield. 核国家,英国和法国,广泛认同和平由能够确实有效地阻止威胁的强大力量来保证:因此法国谨慎地支持美国的保护。
The nuclear test was conducted with indigenous wisdom and technology 100%. 本次核试验依靠的是100%自主的智慧和技术。
The nuclear threat is being taken seriously. 国际社会严肃地看待朝鲜的核威胁。
The nucleating effects of α and β nucleating agent on the crystallization behavior of polypropylene (PP) were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction spectrum (XRD). 摘要用差示扫描量热仪和X射线衍射仪对两种类型成核剂改性的聚丙烯的结晶行为进行了表征。
The nuclei and their constituent protons and neutrons literally melt, and many more quarks, antiquarks (antimatter opposites of the quarks) and gluons are created from all the energy available. 在此原子核与其组成的质子与中子真的就「融化」了,而从所有可用的能量之中,创生出更多的夸克、反夸克(夸克的反物质)与胶子。
The nuclei are monomorphic with inconspicuous nucleoli. The nuclear chromatin has somewhat granular appearance. Mitotic actiity is not increased. (same case as preious 2 illustrations). 瘤细胞核形态单一,核仁不明显。核内染色质呈颗粒状表现。有丝分裂活性未见增强。
The nuclei are round, and may be indented. 细胞核圆形,也可呈锯齿状。
The nuclei are uniform and nucleoli are distinct, but the nuclear features overall are low grade. 细胞核大小一致,核仁清楚,但是核的特征总的来说呈低度恶性。
The nucleic acid vaccine has already displayed the strong superiority and vitalities, it develops the foreground huge. 摘要核酸疫苗已显示出强大的优越性和生命力,其发展前景巨大。

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