All class parents and teachers should have already started planning the programs for our New Year's party, and should have already submitted the name of your program to the Vice Principal, Woody Huang.
请各班老师及家长代表表开始筹划新年晚会的节目﹐并将节目名称向副校长黄允武报备。 |
All class parents and teachers should start planning the programs for our New Year's Party. NWCS needs parent participation and input to make the practices and performance go more smoothly!
请各班老师及家长代表开始筹划新年晚会的节目。学校需要家长的参与及提供构想﹐好让晚会的节目更加生动﹐进行得更加顺利。 |
All class specific spell books that previously dropped in dungeons are now trainable at level 60.
法术技能书所提供的技能现在可以直接在60级学了。 |
All classes are taught by faculty coaches or certified specialists who bring a high level of expertise to each instructional area.
所有课程由该科系之专业教练或持有证书之专家所教授,为各个指导领域带来了高度的专业性。 |
All classes that contain signals and/or slots must mention Q_OBJECT in their declaration.
所有包含信号和/或插槽的类必须在它们的声明里添加Q_OBJECT。 |
All classes will be held at the Macau Inter-University Institute.
所有课程的上课地点均在澳门高等校际学院。 |
All classrooms have front and back corridors. They are well lit and excellently ventilated.
(二)打破合院式封闭感,采大川堂设计,并提供一宽敞之前庭。 |
All closed administration by teachers all day, doctors and guards are all on duty for 24 hours.
实行全封闭管理,生活管理教师全天服务,医生、保安24小时值班。 |
All closed support tickets deleted successfully!
全部已关闭的支持问题成功删除! |
All code written in Notepad is as you want it, with no other standards or coding methods imposed on you.
所有代码被写在记事本正如您想要的一样,没有其它标准或编制程序方法被强加给您。 |
All collected data is transmitted to portable computer through parallel port by EPP protocol, so diesel working status can be test in field and diesel's fault can be diagnosed without disassembly.
该仪器只有两种传感器,采用基于单片机的数据采集箱高速采集柴油机瞬时转速和油管压力信号,使用便携式电脑通过并行接口以EPP协议进行数据采集控制和分析,以实现对柴油机工作状态的现场检测与不解体故障诊断。 |