Secretary: Thank you. What s your first name?
文书:谢谢。你的名是什么? |
Secretary: Yes, with the head of the HR department.
秘书:是我们的人力资源部的经理。 |
Secretase is a novel Alzheimer's disease (AD) therapeutic target discovered recently.
摘要β-分泌酶是近年来发现的治疗老年痴呆症的新靶点。 |
Secretive action will not lead to good results but being open receptive and fun to be with will make all the difference in the world.
秘密的地下情是不会有什么好结果的,还是正大光明的好好爱一场吧。 |
Secretly filmed footage taken by the CNN-IBN news channel and broadcast Saturday showed one of the doctors asking for 10,000 rupees (about $215) to amputate a lower leg, leaving a stump that may draw sympathy -- and a few rupees -- from passersby.
印度医学协会一名官员8月1日披露,3名被拍摄到答应为乞丐切除健康肢体的医生将受到印度医学协会的审问。 |
Secretly taking photos inside Jokhang temple.
大昭寺内部偷拍。 |
Secrets and mysteries unto thee shall unveil.
直到你将揭开秘密和神秘面纱。” |
Secrets regarding a relationship will surface.
处女:秘密的关系浮出水面。 |
Sectarian violence rages in Iraq.
宗派主义暴力运动席卷了伊拉克。 |
Sectarian violence strikes central Baghdad.
巴格达中心发生了宗教暴力冲突。 |
Section 1 &2 are related to social situations.
第一及第二部份是有关于社会状况。 |