B:Ok. After shaving. I'll use some deodorant.
好。刮脸之后,我要用一些除臭剂。 |
B:One very important thing is cereal.I often have cereal with maple syrup.
燕麦是很重要的早餐食品。我通常都是燕麦就枫树浆喝。 |
B:Other than the present anthem. I have a cassette. Let''s listen to the music of the anthem.
有别于现在用的歌。我有一个录音带,听一下就知道了。 |
B:Our product features inventory tracking software,which continuously updates and tracks your inventory on a real-time basis.
我们的产品在跟踪库存的软件方面很有特色,它能不间断地,实时地更新并跟踪库存信息. |
B:Please line up and take photos, then make your ID card with the form in your hand.
请排队依次照相,然后拿着各人的登记表办理身份卡。 |
B:Precisely,whenever we see him, he waits upon his master cap in hand.
没错。无论何时我们看到他,他都必恭必敬地服侍他的主人。 |
B:Red dot? The only red dot I have is on my back...a tattoo of the Japanese flag!
红点?我唯一的红点就在我背上……一个日本国旗的刺纹身! |
B:Save it for the judge.
这些话你留着去跟法官说吧。 |
B:See. That's a rip-off.
看,还是挨宰了吧。 |
B:Sensing vinegar...molasses...tomato paste...brown sugar!
我感觉到醋...糖蜜...番茄酱...红糖! |
B:She accepted you at once?
她立刻就答应你了吗? |