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He asked water, and she gave him milk; she brought forth butter in a lordly dish.

He asked to be sent to work in Tibet. 他请求派他到西藏去工作。
He asked us how much pig iron we could produce per day and calculated with us how much we could put out in a year. 他问我们每天能生产多少生铁,又跟我们一道计算一年内能生产多少。
He asked us to assist him in carrying through his plan. 他请求我们帮他完成他的计划。
He asked us to tell you to meet him in the coffee shop. 他让我们转告您,他将在咖啡厅与您见面。
He asked very innocently whether great men liked great women. 他很天真的问,是不是大男人都会喜欢大女人。
He asked water, and she gave him milk; she brought forth butter in a lordly dish. 25西西拉求水,雅亿给他奶子,用宝贵的盘子给他奶油。
He asked what happened to me. 他问我发生了什么事。
He asked what your rank was. 他问你的军衔是什么。
He asked whether he could help. 他问他能否帮忙。[他问他是否能帮忙。
He asked whom I borrowed the money from. 引导宾语从句同时作从句的宾语)他问我向谁借的钱。
He asked ’500 for his car, but I managed to knock him down 10 percent. 他的汽车要500美元,但我设法使他减价百分之十。

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