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Article 24 Any industrial enterprise that produces environmental noise pollution due to the use of permanent equipment in the course of industrial production must, in accordance with the regulations of the competent administrative department for environme

Article 24 A system for conducting annual check-up shall be instituted to administer the registration of enterprises as legal persons. 第二十四条企业法人登记管理实行年度检验制度。
Article 24 A taxpayer or tax with holding agent must, with in the declaration period stipulated by the law and administrative legislation or determined by taxation authorities pursuant to the provisions of the law and administrative legislation, lodge a t 第二十四条纳税人、扣缴义务人必须在法律、行政法规规定的或者税务机关依照法律、行政法规的规定确定的申报期限内,到主管税务机关办理纳税申报或者报送代扣代缴、代收代缴税款报告表。
Article 24 A tenderer shall set a reasonable period of time for bidders necessary for preparing their bid documents; nevertheless, for a project subject to tender according to law, the minimum period from the issue date of the tender documents to the dead 第二十四条招标人应当确定投标人编制投标文件所需要的合理时间;但是,依法必须进行招标的项目,自招标文件开始发出之日起至投标人提交投标文件截止之日止,最短不得少于二十日。
Article 24 A trademark registrant that disputes a trademark already registered by another person should, within one year from the day the said trademark is published in the Announcement of Trademarks, apply for a ruling by filing an Application for Determ 第二十四条商标注册人对他人已经注册的商标提出争议的,应当在他人商标刊登注册公告之日起一年内,将《商标争议裁定申请书》一式两份交送商标评审委员会申请裁定。
Article 24 Any app1icant for the registration of a trademark who files an application for registration of the same trademark for identical goods in China within six months from the date of filing the first application for the trademark registration overse 第二十四条商标注册申请人自其商标在外国第一次提出商标注册申请之日起六个月内,又在中国就相同商品以同一商标提出商标注册申请的,依照该外国同中国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约,或者按照相互承认优先权的原则,可以享有优先权。
Article 24 Any industrial enterprise that produces environmental noise pollution due to the use of permanent equipment in the course of industrial production must, in accordance with the regulations of the competent administrative department for environme 第二十四条在工业生产中因使用固定的设备造成环境噪声污染的工业企业,必须按照国务院环境保护行政主管部门的规定,向所在地的县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门申报拥有的造成环境噪声污染的设备的种类、数量以及在正常作业条件下所发出的噪声值和防治环境噪声污染的设施情况,并提供防治噪声污染的技术资料。
Article 24 Any intended establishment of subsidiaries by related payment and settlement organizations shall be subject to the examination and approval by the People's Bank of China and its appropriate subsidiaries, where applicable, in pursuance of the pr 第二十四条支付清算组织拟设立分支机构的,由中国人民银行及其分支机构按照本办法第十六条至第十九条、第二十条第一款的规定予以审查批准。
Article 24 Application for postponement under Paragraph 3, Article 16 of the Act shall be submitted by the successful bidder prior to expiration of the 3-month term for improvement. 第24条得标人依本条例第十六条第三项规定申请展期者,应于三个月改善期限届满前为之。
Article 24 As regards the dividends, bonuses and other equity investment gains earned outside the territory of China by a resident enterprise from a foreign enterprise which it controls directly or indirectly, the portion of income tax on this income paid 第二十四条居民企业从其直接或者间接控制的外国企业分得的来源于中国境外的股息、红利等权益性投资收益,外国企业在境外实际缴纳的所得税税额中属于该项所得负担的部分,可以作为该居民企业的可抵免境外所得税税额,在本法第二十三条规定的抵免限额内抵免。
Article 24 Audit institutions shall exercise supervision through auditing over the financial revenues and expenditures of the social security funds, funds from public donations and other relevant funds and capital managed by governmental departments or by 第二十四条审计机关对政府部门管理的和社会团体受政府委托管理的社会保障基金、社会捐赠资金以及其他有关基金、资金的财务收支,进行审计监督。
Article 24 Cultural relics in private collections may be purchased by units designated by the departments for cultural administration; no other unit or individual may engage in the business of purchasing cultural relics. 第二十四条私人收藏的文物可以由文化行政管理部门指定的单位收购,其他任何单位或者个人不得经营文物收购业务。

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