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Let us make further development!

Let us look more closely at myths to see why this is true. 让我们更仔细地看看神话以弄明白为什么这是真的。
Let us love the Lord our God and Christ our Saviour with our whole heart. 让我们以全心来爱主我们的神,以及基督我们的救主。
Let us make America,once again,and for centuries more to come,what it has been a stronghold and beacon-light of liberty for the world. 让我们使美国,再一次,并且在未来的更多的世纪里,成为世界自由的擎天柱和灯塔。
Let us make a little walled upper room and put a bed and a table and a chair and a lamp for him; and when he comes to us, he can turn aside there. 10我们可以为他盖一间小楼房,在其中安放床榻、桌子、椅子和灯,他来到我们这里,就可以进去歇息。
Let us make a pledge to meet in September. 让我们立个誓:九月再相见。
Let us make further development! 让我们更进一步!
Let us mediate our differences rather than engage in a costly strike. 让我们通过调停来解决我们的分歧,而不是进行代价高昂的罢工。
Let us move, on our own accord, with the community, expecting nothing but seeing everything. 让我们自动自发的和社区一起行动起来。我们只问耕耘,不问收获,但是努力的成果总是看得到的。
Let us never negotiate out of fear. 让我们永不因畏惧而谈判。
Let us next focus on the knee chakras. 接下来让我们聚焦在膝部脉轮。
Let us not be particular and sectional. The poet's mind and the scorpion's tail rise in glory from the same earth. 让我们别再斤斤计较了。诗人之心以及蝎子之尾,升腾于荣光里,来自同一片土地。

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