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1895 The earliest demonstration of a celluloid cinematograph film was given at Paris by Auguste and Louis Lumiere.

1892 Paul Getty, American oil magnate, was born at Minneapolis in Minnesota. 美国石油大王保罗·格蒂生于明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯。
1893 France became the first country to introduce motor vehicle registration plates. 法国成为世界上第一个采用机动车辆牌照的国家。
1893 The Royal Navy′s first destroyer, HMS Havock, went on trials. 英国皇家海军第一艘驱逐舰摧毁号进行试航。
1894 Sun Yat-Sen set up in Honolulu the Hsing Chung Hui(Society for the Revival of China), China′s first bourgeois revolutionary organization. 孙中山在擅香山建立中国第一个资产阶级革命组织兴中会。
1895 At Wurzburg, Wilhelm Rontgen discovered X-rays (Rontgen rays). 德国物理学家威廉·伦琴在维尔茨堡发现X射线(即伦琴射线)。
1895 The earliest demonstration of a celluloid cinematograph film was given at Paris by Auguste and Louis Lumiere. 奥古斯特和路易斯·吕米埃在巴黎演示最早的电影片。
1897 London taxi-driver George Smith became the first motorist to be convicted of drunken driving. 1897年,伦敦出租车司机乔治。史密斯成为第一位因酒后驾驶而被判有罪的司机。
1898 Sir Henry Bessemer, English metallurgist and inventor of an economical process for converting cast iron into steel in 1856, died at the age of 85. 1856年发明酸性底转炉经济炼钢法的英国冶金学家亨利·贝西麦爵士逝世,终年85岁。
1898 U.S. forces extended along America's frontier to defend settlers. 美军沿美国边境进行部署以保护边民。
18W/24W high power LED street light. With metal exterior casing. 24W高功率LED投射灯,具金属外壳,质感佳。
18[bbe] Where they put him on the cross with two others, one on this side and one on that, and Jesus in the middle. 他们就在那里钉他在十字架上,还有两个人和他一同钉着,一边一个,耶稣在中间。

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