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Tallying tardiness, he said Peruvians as a whole were annually late by 3 billion hours. That works out to over 107 hours of tardiness for every man, woman and child.

Talley Moore tries to drum up business in Lookout Mountain, Tenn. 卢克奥特山市场的一名摊主在招揽顾客。
Tallness seems to run in the family. 高似乎是这家庭中的特色。
Tallow can be used for making soap . 动物脂可以用来做香皂。
Tallow can be used for making soap. 动物脂可以用来做香皂。
Tally Clerk/Checker Checks documents and cargo to meet the requirements and assists in receiving cargo. 理货员╱检查员检查单据及货物,并协助收货。
Tallying tardiness, he said Peruvians as a whole were annually late by 3 billion hours. That works out to over 107 hours of tardiness for every man, woman and child. 在计算迟到的数据后,他说,秘鲁全国人民每年总共迟到30亿个小时,相当于每名男性、女性及儿童都迟到了逾107小时之久。
Talon-modular (First strike. When this creature is put into a graveyard, you may choose target artifact creature gains talon-modular ability. 利爪套件(先攻。当此生物被从场上放到墓地时,你可以选择目标神器生物获得利爪套件异能。
Talons. Your unarmed attacks deal +1 damage. 魔爪术:你的徒手攻击造成+1点额外伤害。
Tam Yam Goon, Pad Thai, Thai Curry. 你以前有听过这些菜肴吗?
Tamar his daughter-in-law bore him Perez and Zerah. Judah had five sons in all. 代上2:4犹大的儿妇他玛、给犹大生法勒斯、和谢拉.犹大共有五个儿子。
Tamar, Judah's daughter-in-law, bore him Perez and Zerah. Judah had five sons in all. 4犹大的儿妇他玛、给犹大生法勒斯、和谢拉.犹大共有五个儿子。

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