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Using several different sources forces you to step back and evaluate or triangulate them.

Using sawdust as raw material, under the condition of 2%-4% opening rate of distributor, the effects of particle size and sawdust bed height on fluidization velocity in cold bubbling fluidized bed were determined. 摘要冷态条件下,在鼓泡流化床中采用木屑为原料,分布板在2%~4%不同开孔率的条件下,分别考察了原料粒径和床层高度对木屑流化速度的影响。
Using scale drawings and countless photographs ensures the end result is an accurate virtual 3D copy of the real thing. 为了确保最终的结果是真实物体的精确3D拷贝,我们使用了比例尺图片与不计其数的相片。
Using seamless and leakproof urethane frame for good vacuum seal. 防漏性佳:使用一体成型之防漏圈条,防漏性佳。
Using seismic, logging, and assaying data, and combined with vitrinite reflectance erosion thickness restoration method and seismic stratigraphy Paleogeomorphology restoration way, we have restored Caledonian paleogeomorphology in the central area of Tari 摘要利用地震、测井和分析测试资料,结合镜质体反射率剥蚀厚度恢复法和地震地层学古地貌恢复法,对塔中地区中加里东期古地貌进行了恢复。
Using self-reflection methods to test the body shape and physiological function of 52 females who have joined belly dance training for 16 weeks against the original. 摘要采用自身对照的方法,对52名女性参加16周肚皮舞练习前后身体形态指标和机能指标进行测试。
Using several different sources forces you to step back and evaluate or triangulate them. 使用不同来源的资料可以强迫你综合各方看法,对原材料进行反复推敲和评估。
Using silicon dioxide, magnesia, aluminum hydroxide to react with sulfonic acids, color fixatives under standard proportioning, through curing and drawing into thread-like form, this product is made with mechanical twisting as per specific speed and numbe 本品用二氧化硅、氧化镁、氢氧化铝同磺酸、固色剂等按标准配比反应,经固化抽制线状,再经干燥处理后,并按规定速数和股数,经机械加捻而成,并有一定的抗拉强度。
Using simulating rainfall experiment and the present research, we deeply analyze the runoff and sediment transport rules and effect of shrub and grass measures under different slope and rainfall intensity. 摘要利用人工模拟降雨小区试验,分析了林地和草地2种生物措施在不同坡度、不同雨强下的径流调控和产沙机制。
Using single factor analysis of variance and multivariate stepwise regression to analyze the capital structure influencing factor of small-scaled state-owned enterprises, this paper fills up the deficiency of substantial evidence study of non-listed small 摘要利用单因素方差分析和多元逐步回归法分析小型国有企业资本结构影响因素,弥补了以往学者对非上市小型企业资本结构影响因素实证研究的不足。
Using soap washes your hands is an efficacious way to prevent illness's spread. 用肥皂洗手是有效防止疾病传播的一种方式。
Using sodium dicyandiamide and saccharin as raw materials, tribenuron-methyl is synthesized via ring-opening reaction, phosgenation and condensation with total yield of 57.0% and product purity of 95.6%. 以双氰胺钠和糖精为起始原料,经过开环、光气化、缩合等一系列反应制备了苯磺隆,合成反应的总收率可达57.0%以上,纯度可达95.6%以上。

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