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He looked down from a dizzy height.

He looked closely at me. 他端详着我。
He looked completely down and out. 他看上去已穷困潦倒.
He looked depressed but perked up when his friends arrived. 他看上去无精打彩的, 但朋友一来就精神起来了.
He looked directly at us. 他直瞪瞪地看我们。
He looked down and saw the sky. 它朝下看,看到了天空。
He looked down from a dizzy height. 他从晕头转向高度往下看。
He looked down from a great height. 他从极高点往下看。
He looked down his nose at the offer. 他对这个建议嗤之以鼻。
He looked down in the blue well of water. He knew he must find his way through that cave, or hole, or tunnel, and out the other side. 他看了看下面的蓝色水域的海水。他知道他一定要找到那个洞穴,或是洞,或是隧洞,然后再从另一端出去。
He looked even stronger after principal challenger Fernando Alonso was baulked behind Schumacher's team mate Felipe Massa just before making his first pitstop. 就在第一次进站之前,由于主要对手费尔南多-阿隆索被队友菲利普-马萨挡在了身后,所以舒马赫似乎更加强大了。
He looked every inch a gentleman. 他看上去完全是正人君子.

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