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She leave the window lest be seen .

She learned to quilt on Monday. Her Stitches were very fine. 星期一,她学会了拼布。她的针法真是不错。
She learns how to cook French, Italian and Chinese specialties. 她学习怎样烧法国、意大利和中国的特色菜。
She learns to paint in the fashion of Picasso. 她学着以毕加索的手法(绘画风格)绘画。
She leave out the date on the cheque. 支票上她漏写了日期。
She leave school three year ago and have work as a nurse ever since. 她三年前毕业,从那时起便一直当护士。
She leave the window lest be seen . 译:她离开了窗子,怕被别人看见。
She leaved without saying goobye, this is very impolite. 她不向我们打声招呼就走了,这是非常不礼貌的。
She leaves some empty to confuse the bears. 它会留下一些空的洞穴来迷惑北极熊。
She lectured us about the honour of the school and all that jazz. 她给我们讲了学校的荣誉还有一大堆这类的事情.
She led a humdrum existence—all work and no play. 她过着相当单调的生活——只有工作,没有玩乐。
She led him into believing that she was unmarried. 她巧妙地使他相信她仍小姑独处。

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