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By taking the ecological ideas in myths and legends of ethnic minorities, as the example, this paper points out that against the background of loss and continuous variation of traditional culture, it is necessary to put emphasis on excavating documentary

By taking part-time jobs related to their majors, students can, in addition to improving their studies, gain experience that are unavailable from their textbooks. 通过做一份和专业相关的工作,学生不仅能够提高他们的专业能力,而且能获得从课本上得不到的经验。
By taking that course of action, he fell foul of several influential members of the board. 采取了那个行动之后,他得罪了董事会里几个有影响的董事。
By taking the advantage of this, from the overall and partial aspects, it is proved that organization culture is the deep-rooted motivation of the evolution of organization on whereas strengthening the overall coherence while maintaining the partial and l 利用这一特性,从整体和局部两个方面论证了组织文化是组织演化的深层次的动因,而加强组织文化整体上的一致性,同时维持组织文化在局部上的柔性,有利于组织的可持续发展。
By taking the common errors made in the back-style high-jump as a logical starting point and by optimizing the means of teaching back-style high jump technique as the introduction, this paper designs a theoretical model for teaching back-style high jump a 摘要以背越式跳高动作中常犯的错误为逻辑起点,以优化背越式跳高技术的教学手段为切入口,设计了背越式跳高技术教学的理论模型,并对其进行实证研究。
By taking the developed countries in the West as reference, Marcuse depicted a false prosperity of affluent society, listing the essentials that attribute to inharmony and pointing out that the cause of morbid stateof affluent societylies in the alienatio 摘要以西方发达社会为参照,马尔库塞描绘了“富裕社会”的虚假美景,列举了其构成要素的非和谐症状,指出“富裕社会”呈现“病态”的根源在于科技的异化。
By taking the ecological ideas in myths and legends of ethnic minorities, as the example, this paper points out that against the background of loss and continuous variation of traditional culture, it is necessary to put emphasis on excavating documentary 摘要研究和发掘少数民族传统文化中的现代价值,不仅有利于唤起人们对保护民族地区文化生态重要性的认识,而且也是更好地继承和发展少数民族传统文化的需要。
By taking the ethical high road, you may meet these well. 通过对伦理道德的学习,你的情况也许会比较好。
By taking the tenetQuality is life, making perfect design, creating excellent engineering, providing honest service, protecting environment and treasuring life to satisfy the customers, society and staff is always the promise to undertake of us , our inst 秉承“质量是生命,精心设计、创优工程、诚信服务、保护环境、珍爱生命,是我们对顾客、社会、员工始终不渝的承诺”的管理方针,我公司的质量、环境、职业健康安全管理体系健全,数十年来一直跻身于全国勘察设计综合实力、工程承包和项目管理百强单位的行列,自2005年连续3年被亚洲建筑师协会评为中国十大建筑设计企业之一。
By taking the time to make these changes you will improve your sites usability and your visitors will thank you for it by doing business with you. 花点时间,好好按照上面说的把你的网站改进一下。我相信,网站的可用性一定会大大提升;同时,你的访问者也会非常感激你,并且会很愿意与你进行商务往来。
By taking the time to observe, interview, check recommendations, and examine the past successes of potential candidates, you can build a district organization that will both serve the district and greatly assist you during your year as governor. 多些时间来观察、面谈、检视推荐人选以及调查有潜力人选成功的背景,可在您担任总监当中建立一个可以服务地区又能大力支持您的地区组织。
By taking the west PRD region as its catchment area. Macau's trade by air transport has considerable potential and can expect to further contribute to its economy. 以珠三角(西部)为腹地,空运贸易有可观的发潜力,对澳门经济贡献可望进步加强。

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