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If you donate your old glasses to a charity (5) you can help someone else see.

If you don*t do the job preperly,you will incur blame. 如果你不把工作做好,你将会招人责难。
If you don\'t like the view from your flying car, you may prefer the one from an aircraft from Virgin Galactic, a high-flying offshoot of Virgin Atlantic Airways. 如果你不喜欢从飞天汽车上所看到的风景,你可能会喜欢维京大西洋航空公司下属的分管高空飞行的分公司,维京银河的一种航天器业务。
If you don\'t put on more chothes, you might catch cold. 如果你不多穿点衣服,你可能会着凉的。
If you don\'t study hard, you\'ll fail in the exam. 如果你不用功学习,你就会考试不及格。
If you don`t, you are good for noting. 但要是你不赞美她,那你就一无是处了。
If you donate your old glasses to a charity (5) you can help someone else see. 如果你把就眼镜捐给慈善机构,你就可以帮助别人看清楚东西。
If you dont keep down the heresy the church sends in inquisitors. (贞德万岁,贞德不是女巫也不是异教徒)如果你不能镇压异端,那么宗教审理官就来了。
If you dont like whats happening, look to your own behavior. 如果你不喜欢他们的表现,审视一下你自己的行为。
If you don’t ,he says you are from kampong. 如果不,他说你是乡下来的。
If you don’t love him, he tries to possess you. 如果你不爱他,他想拥有你。
If you don’t stop bothering me, I’m gonna give you a knuckle sandwich. 你要是还来烦我,我就当嘴给你一拳。

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