Plugging those numbers into the equation shows that for every woman who gets a positive proteomics test result, there is a less than 1 percent chance she has the disease.
如果把这些数字都输入该项公式,得出的结果是:对得出蛋白组阳性检验反应的每一位妇女来说,她只有不到1%的机会罹患了这个疾病。 |
Plum blossom Coral earing,Plum blossom always means many in China:for it only blossom in cold winter,and always in RED.
珊瑚雕刻梅花造形,台玉枝叶设计,典型中国的镂空窗棂画框,表现一段中国画的写意空间! |
Plum blossom bloom in cold winter.
梅花在寒冷的冬天盛开。 |
Plum blossom blooms in cold winter.
梅花在寒冷的冬天盛开。 |
Plum blossom comes out in cold winter.
梅花在寒冷的冬天盛开。 |
Plum blossom is flourishing in cold winter .
梅花在寒冷的冬天盛开。 |
Plum blossom is to blossom in cold winter.
梅花在寒冷的冬天盛开。 |
Plum blossoms bloom in the freezing winter.
梅花在寒冷的冬天盛开。 |
Plum flowers grow fragrant in cold weather. Germs grow resistant through adversity. Minds grow determined through suffering. Truth grows clear through debate.
自然界,梅花愈冷愈芬芳;生物链,细菌愈衍愈进步;人世里,心性愈练愈坚强;宇宙间,真理愈辩愈明白。 |
Plumbers, carpenters, and painters are more in demand than lawyers, accountants and psychiatrists, an Australian survey of marriage eligibility shows.
水电工、木匠和油漆工,要比律师、会计师和精神科医师来得吃香,澳洲一项徵婚条件调查结果显示。 |
Plump goose liver soaks in Brandy and other liquor to get coated aspic.
以白兰地等烈酒,提炼上等鹅肝的鲜美滑顺口感。 |