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A votive prayer; votive candles.

A voracious reader. 如饥似渴的读者
A vote against Mr. Bolton by just one Republican member of the Foreign Relations Committee, which has ten Republicans and eight Democrats, could block the nomination. 参议院外交关系委员会有10位共和党人和8位民主党人,只要有一位共和党人投反对票,就可以封杀博尔顿的提名。
A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal or revocation of the proxy, provided that no intimation in writing of the death, insanity or revocation as a 如果基金会办公室在会议召开前未收到关于某位委托人身故或罹患精神疾病、或其代表提出撤回委托的正式声明,则即使委托人身故或罹患精神疾病、或其代表提出撤回委托,其委托仍然有效。
A vote has been delayed and the House of Representatives would also have to agree to the measure. 投票已被延迟,众议院不得不同意这项措施。
A vote will only reap a qualitatively good result if every single voter has participated in that process before making a decision -- and that takes time. 一场选举,只有在当如果每一个个别的选民,已经参与到那做出决定之前的过程,才会获得有品质的好结果--而那需要花去时间。
A votive prayer; votive candles. 表示心愿的祈祷;祈祷蜡烛
A vow unto his own. 属于他自己的。
A vowel can form a syllable by itself. 元音能单独构成音节。
A vowel sound changed in this manner. 变元音由这种方式改变的元音发音
A wa ri gu li>means A girl from March land, The lyrics describes that ,turn over the high mountain, cross Gobi desert, You can fine a girl from March land, no one In the whole world can match you In beauty, oh yeah beautiful girl from March land. “阿娃兹古丽”是形容新疆美丽的女孩之意,词意形容翻过高山越过戈壁,你可知道美丽的阿娃兹古丽,天涯海角有谁能比得上妳,唉呀美丽的阿娃兹古丽。
A wad of letters arrived today. 今天来了一大叠信件。

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