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She pays for her board and lodging, her uncle finds her in tuition.

She patted my back and said, China is so far from here. 听到这话,我忍不住热泪盈眶。
She paused a moment and looked at the boy standing awkwardly as near the door as he could be and still be inside the house. 她停了一会儿,看了看那个男孩,只见他尽量靠近门口站,但仍让自己立在房内,样子很尴尬。
She paused before consenting to marry him. 她在同意嫁给他前曾犹豫不定。
She pay me in drib and drab, not all at once. 她零零星星地付给我钱,而不是一次付清。
She pays attention to the treatment of personages and painting significance, striving to make each work have strong visual impact and humane care consciousness. 她注重人物及意境的处理,力求每幅作品都具有强烈的视觉冲击力和强烈的人文关怀意识。
She pays for her board and lodging, her uncle finds her in tuition. 她自己负责膳宿,她叔叔供给她学费。
She peeks at her neighbor from the curtain. 她从窗帘后面窥视她的邻居.
She peer at me over the top of her glasses. 她从眼镜上方盯着我看。
She peered at the tag to read the price. 她细看标签以看清价格。
She peers through the mist, trying to find the right path. 她透过雾眯着眼看,想找出正确的路。
She pegged wet clothes on the line. 她用衣夹将湿衣服夹在晒衣绳上。

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